Sunday 29 June 2014

Thanks and Credits

So, this is the end of this blog! Hope you've learnt something and enjoyed browsing through this website. As long as you follow these tips, you'll be in the pink of health and as fit as a fiddle! 

Photo credits to Google Images.
Some of the Information credited to Google.

Thank you! 

FITT Principle - Tips while Planning and Exercising

Every brief bounds of activity offers benefits - This shows that you need not have 1 hour of activity in each day in 5 days a week. You should spread your time wisely depending on your daily schedule. Maybe, you can only have 15 minutes of activities on Monday followed by 45 minutes of activities on the next day. No matter whether you exercise everyday, as long as you have at least a total of 5 hours of exercise or physical activities planned.

Time - Plan your time wisely for your own activities. Look at your schedule before deciding the activities planned. Make sure that you have enough time and try to squeeze in bits and parts of physical exercise in your schedule. Don't make exercising an excuse for not going to work/ school/ classes, not doing house chores/ homework/ assignments and so on.

Determination - Even though you are bound to be really fatigue while you are exercising, make sure that you do not stop and have the correct mindset that you are doing this for your own good and not because you are forced to. Hang in there and keep going, it will all be worth it.

Interest- Build interest for the activity you are about to do. When you build interest, you feel that you are having fun instead of actually being tormented. 

Discipline - Simply do not procrastinate!

Know your own body - If you feel like you are going to pass out, quickly stop to take a rest. After each activity you carry out, try to endure to build stamina, after a few exercises you will notice you are about to carry out activities of a greater intensity level. Consult your doctor or a specialist before carrying out the activities you planned if  you have any medical conditions eg. asthma, high blood pressure, history of heart attack etc.

FITT Principle - Suggested Proposed Activity

Here is a suggested proposed activity for kids and teens:

FITT Principle - Suggestions (1 Week Exercise Programme)

1 Week Exercise Programme

Based on a weekly schedule, make sure that you have time for exercising as well.

Recommendations for kids and teens of ages 6 to 17:
At least 1 hour of physical activity per day, excluding 2 days in a week.
1h x 5 days = 5 hours per week

For adults:
At least 150 minutes (2.5h) of moderate exercises / aerobic activity such as brisk walking, swimming, table tennis, basketball, badminton and also muscle straining activities 2 days per week.

Saturday 28 June 2014

FITT Principle - Definition

Frequency - How often you carry out physical activities.

Intensity - How hard you exercise.

Time - Duration of each exercise.

Type - A specific type of activity to target a goal.


Frequency - I exercise thrice a week.

Intensity - I go through tough training every time and noticed that my rate of heart beat is getting higher and increases every time I increase my speed or amount of strength used. 

Time - I spend at least 1 hour exercising each time.

Type - I jog and sprint on the treadmill and also swim and do rigorous sit ups. 

FITT Principle - Introduction

FITT is a principle to help maintain a balanced sporty and healthy style. It is also commonly agreed by students as a need to be empowered to construct and tailor workouts to meet their individual health-related fitness needs. It is used to guide the development of unique and bespoken fitness plans that cater an individual's specific needs.

Friday 27 June 2014

Balanced Diet - Buying the right Food

Have you ever walked into a supermarket and seen this?

You just take them all and you forget about your health?

Here's a solution! You can look at the ingredients!

But... That's such a waste of time! Whatever, who cares about health? I'll just work out after that.

Well, here's the best solution for you!

All you have to do is to look out for something on the packaging.

And it is the 'Healthier Choice' symbol!

Hooray! So remember, look out for the 'Healthier Choice' symbol and it'll help you think twice before aimlessly grabbing the tidbits and rushing to the counter!